Functions and Duties

The Development Commissioner's Office MEPZ SEZ, administers and monitors:
A) SEZ Developers/SEZ Units located in the private SEZs
Office of the Development Commissioner :-
  1. scrutinises Applications for setting up of SEZ.
  2. Carries out Inspection of SEZ Land, Ensuring compliance of SEZ Norms for setting up of an SEZ.
  3. Recommends the SEZ proposal to Ministry of Commerce.

BOA considers the proposals and if in order, approves the setting up of an SEZ. After approval by the BOA, the Government of India notifies the land as an SEZ. A Bond cum LUT by the Developer is executed in the DC's Office. Similarly, application for Co-Developer status in a Private SEZ is also scrutinized by DC The Unit Approval Committee headed by DC considers proposals of Developers / Co-Developers for procurement of Duty free materials for Authorized Operations.The UAC also Approves the Change of Name, Entrepreneur, Change in constitution, Directors and Take over in an SEZ Unit. The UAC also deliberates on policy issues and sectorial concerns of Developers / Co-Developers within its power. The UAC also monitors Quarterly Performance and Half Yearly reviews of the Developer & Co-Developer. Any proposal from the Developer through the BOA routed through the DC's office.

B) SEZ Units in the SEZs:-

The Development Commissioner's office Scrutinises the Applications for setting up of units in the SEZ. The Approval for Unit is given by UAC headed by DC.
After the Approval of the UAC the DCs office,

  1. Issues of Letters of Approval
  2. Executes Legal Undertaking with the holder of LOA
  3. Scrutinises and accords permissions for various requests of the Units like :-
    • Issue of list of Default Specified Services for exemption from Services Tax
    • Issue of general exemption certificate
    • Other specific Approvals required under the SEZ Act and Rules 2006
    • Extension of LOA
    • Request for Broad banding
    • Endorsement in Softex from, issue of GSP, Form-I
    • Allotment of Importer and Export code (IEC)
The UAC under the chairmanship of the DC also considers and approves request for Broad banding, Diversification, enhancement of occupied space, etc.,
The UAC monitors the performance of the units annually in accordance with the provisions of the SEZ act and Rule.
The DC's office Liaison with Central, State Government and other agencies for redressing and resolving problems encountered by SEZ units.

C) SEZ Units in the MEPZ SEZ:-

The Development Commissioner's office Scrutinises the Applications for setting up of units in the SEZ. The Approval for Unit is given by UAC headed by DC.
After the Approval of the UAC the DCs office :-

  1. Issues of Letters of Approval
  2. Executes Legal Undertaking with the holder of LOA
  3. Scrutinises and accords permissions for various requests of the Units like :-
    • Issue of list of Default Specified Services for exemption from Services Tax
    • Issue of general exemption certificate
    • Other specific Approvals required under the SEZ Act and Rules 2006
    • Extension of LOA
    • Request for Broad banding
    • Endorsement in Softex from, issue of GSP, Form-I
    • Allotment of Importer and Export code (IEC)
    • Allotment of Plot/Built up Space within the Zone
    • Execution of Lease Deeds for space allotted
    • In house Customs Clearance facilities
The DCs office also manages the estate in MEPZ SEZ with activities like :-
  1. Maintenance of Roads inside MEPZ Complex, Street lighting and Avenue Plantation.
  2. Round the clock Security service
  3. Issue of Identity Cards to Employees of the SEZ Units
  4. Coordination with TNEB/TWAD and ensure uninterrupted power supply and water supply.
  5. Housekeeping and Cleanliness.
  6. Creation of common Infrastructure within the Zone, etc.
The UAC under the chairman ship of the Dc also considers and approves request for Broad banding, Diversification, enhancement of occupied space, etc., The UAC monitors the performance of the units annually in accordance with the provisions of the SEZ act and Rule. The DC's office Liaison with Central, State Government and other agencies for redressing and resolving problems encountered by SEZ units. The UAC under the chairman ship of the Dc also considers and approves request for Broad banding, Diversification, etc.. The UAC monitors the performance of the units annually in accordance with the provisions of the SEZ act and Rule. The DC's office Liaison with Central, State Government and other agencies for redressing and resolving problems encountered by SEZ Units.

D) EOU's located in the State of Tamil Nadu, UT of Puducherry, Andaman & Nicober Islands:

The Development Commissioner office Scrutinises the Applications for setting up of EOU. The Approval for setting up of an EOU is granted by the UAC headed by DC.
After the Approval of the UAC the DC's office :-

  1. Issues of Letters of Approval, Issue of Green Card
  2. Executes Legal Undertaking
  3. Approves request for DTA sale, De-bonding of CG, etc.,
  4. Reimbursement of Central Sales Tax (CST) and Terminal
  5. Excise Duties (TED) and disbursal of Duty Drawback
  6. Allotment of IE Code
  7. Issue of Status Certificate
  8. Extension / Renewal of LOA
  9. Permission for Additional Location.
  10. Any other Permission or Approval required under chapter 6 of FTP and HBP