Alleri Tank Restoration

A serene Water body known as Alleri Lake is located at the centre of the Zone. This lake was once a clean water lake, home to lots of fishes. However in the past few years the lake got totally contaminated with sewage water being illegally let into it by the residents of the localities surrounding the Zone. Due to this continuous inflow of sewage the lake had got polluted and dried up leading to the unfortunate death of the fishes in it. With an intention to restore the lake to its former glory, the MEPZ Administration along with the MEPZ Manufacturers Association had embarked upon de-silting and cleaning the lake. Under the CSR initiative of M/s DXC Ltd, an IT Unit in MEPZ, Environment Foundation of India (EFI) was entrusted with the responsibility of Eco-restoration of the Alleri lake.

To know more about the details of work undertaken, Click Here
